Book One
The Healing Journey
This book contains the healing “keys” that J.R. began sharing and teaching in 2002.
Are you feeling defeated? Do you feel like the ballgame is over (spiritually speaking) and you haven’t even stepped up to the plate? You are not alone. Many Christians have never been able to truly experience God’s love. Here’s good news. God is still in the healing business. Allow these keys to unlock your heart. It’s time to start “The Healing Journey”.
Book Two
The Middle of the Road
This book is for those who are grappling with extremes found on different sides of the “Christian road”, as there are many divisive topics in the church today.
The Christian pathway is not necessarily a walk in the park. Truths taken to an extreme can be dangerous, and have caused many to stumble out of the race. The road I’m describing is a one-way street that leads to Heaven, and there are pit falls on both sides of the road. Perhaps the thoughts shared in this book could become the guardrails that keep you in “the middle of the road” as you pursue a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Book Three
The Plain Truth
This book gets right down to the core of Christianity, and reveals challenges and potential pitfalls many face within “plain” or religious communities.